In 2014 IREM obtained certification on the safety management system, with the one that at that time was the standard for these systems, namely BS OHSAS 18001: 2007.
In 2018, UNI published the ISO 45001: 2018 standard which incorporates and expands the contents of BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 by integrating them into the so-called High Level Structure that regulates the contents of the rules on management systems. From the date of issue of the standard, companies have 3 years to make the transition to the new standard. Also thanks to the COVID emergency, the deadline has been extended.
Despite the extension, IREM has decided to pursue the goal of making the transition to 45001 in 2020.
Thanks to the dedication of the entire work team, the company has received this important recognition, the result of continuous attention to the issues of workers’ health and safety.