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IREM has always been a leader in the creation of customized solutions that satisfy detailed and complex technical specifications that are used in the construction of electricity generation and distribution plants.

An example of this is the order relating to the stabilized power supply system for the auxiliary circuits of a ± 600MVAr static compensator.
Three IREM stabilizers were chosen to stabilize the voltage, ensuring the correct power supply of the auxiliary equipment widely present in energy generation and transmission plants.

Energy generation and distribution plants require a series of devices to operate and control the power systems. Electrical auxiliaries, from pump motors to valve actuators and switches, to the monitoring and diagnostic systems that protect them, are a critical piece of plant operating equipment.

The stabilizers were then installed to solve the frequent problems of high voltage amplitude variations.

Stabilizers energy generation and distribution plants
Furthermore, upon customer request, IREM machines have been designed and manufactured with a high short-circuit withstand capacity.


Power Quality IREM: 5-year extended warranty

5-year extended warranty for voltage stabilizers and power conditioners with IP21 protection degree.

Power Quality IREM: high reliability

The criteria used to size the electrical and electronic components of all IREM products guarantee high reliability.
The declared performances always refer to the most severe and restrictive conditions of use: continuous duty at nominal power with minimum input voltage and maximum ambient temperature.

Power Quality IREM: natural convection in air

In equipment with IP21 degree of protection, cooling is obtained only by natural convection in air. The total absence of fans (IREM fan-free system) significantly increases the reliability of the product by avoiding the use of filters that require constant maintenance.

Power Quality IREM: fit & forget

IREM products are characterized by long life, absence of degradation of performance over time and reduced need for maintenance, thanks to the robust construction and the high quality of the materials used, which determines an extremely high reliability (MTBF).

Power Quality IREM: wide range

Single-phase and three-phase voltage stabilizers with powers between 1kVA and 8000 kVA. Voltage range from 110 V to 500 V. All voltage stabilizers are available in symmetric configuration ±10%, ±15%, ±20%, ±25%, ±30% and in asymmetrical configuration -35% +15%. Other configurations are possible on request.

Power Quality IREM: custom products

The whole range of IREM products has a very high level of customization, both in terms of electrical characteristics as well as mechanical and aesthetic. A staff of technicians specially dedicated to “special” projects can satisfy the most demanding requests.

Power Quality IREM: short delivery times

The particular architecture of IREM equipment allows to satisfy in a short time even the most demanding project, reducing design and production times. Moreover, the modular system used for higher power models simplifies transport and reduces time and cost.

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