Ministatic and Steroguard IREM Line Conditioners have been designed to provide the highest level of protection to electrical appliances connected to distribution lines disturbed by sudden voltage variations, HF noises and spikes.
Statistically, the phenomena that reduce the power quality of the energy supplied by the network represent more than 95% of electric anomalies that could be the cause of breakdowns and poor operation of any kind of appliance connected to distribution lines.
IREM Line Conditioners guarantee maximum protection to users subject to particular power grid anomalies and drastically increase the level of power quality.
IREM Electronic Line Conditioners have specific performances to power electronic appliances with medium to low powers that require a particularly high stabilisation speed such as:
- electronic controls
- robotics
- electromedical equipment
- telecommunications
- computers
The range is made up of standard models with powers ranging from 0.5 to 24 kVA.
Furthermore, because the manufacturing criteria make MINISTATIC power conditioners highly versatile, versions with customized specifications for the most varied applications can be designed on request.
IREM Electrodynamic Line Conditioners provide a maximum level of protection to high power appliances, with high electromagnetic susceptibility, connected to distribution lines disturbed by sudden voltage variations, high frequency interferences and voltage spikes.
The voltage regulation system is made up exclusively of magnetic components capable of supporting loads with high inrush currents. The use of electronic components is limited to mains control and command of the magnetic components that stabilize the voltage. Thanks to these features, the electromechanical line conditioners stand apart for their high electromagnetic immunity and for the well-known reliability.
STEROGUARD Line Conditioners are therefore particularly suitable to solve power quality problems of electric users like:
- radio-TV transmitters
- telephone systems
- radar systems
- electric motors
- compressors
- pumps
- electromedical equipment
- machine tools