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6 Pelton turbines for the aqueduct of the town of Buglio in Monte
The Municipality of Buglio in Monte (Sondrio), holder of the concession for diversion of water for multiple use (drinking and hydroelectric) from the source called “Grivinugn”, has decided to build a series of hydroelectric plants on the existing aqueduct network.

The source is located at an altitude of about 2,080 meters above sea level; the line has a high total height difference equal to 1012 m, and is characterized by the classic multiple jumps made with interruption tanks. The design choice, as simple as it is effective, led to the construction of a micro hydroelectric plant in each of the available jumps. The average flow rate of the source is 9 l / s, while the maximum flow rate is 11.5 l / s.

For this important project, IREM supplied 6 Pelton hydroelectric turbines, with powers ranging from 13kW to 18 kW, intended to be installed in each of the sites. Total annual energy production is estimated at around 570,000 kWh.

Fundamental in determining the choice of IREM products was the maximum guarantee of product safety, certified by the compliance of IREM turbines with the D.M. 174/2004 of the Ministry of Health – Regulation concerning materials and objects that can be used in fixed systems for the collection, treatment, adduction and distribution of water intended for human consumption – specifically designed for installation on drinking water.
The continuous improvement of the quality and guarantees that IREM products offer for the delicate application on water intended for human consumption is the result of careful research and development specifically dedicated to this particular sector.

The Pelton and Banki turbines IREM ECOWATT HYDRO special for hydroelectric plant installed on aqueduct, reply to the legislation about the manufacturing process and materials usable in contact with water for human consumption governed in Europe by the European Directive 98/83/CE, in Italy DM 174/2004 and in France ACS (Attestation de Conformité Sanitaire). Both the conformity to D.M.174/2004 and the ACS –amongst the most restrictive standards in Europe – are certified by an external company.
The value-added of the certification:

  • Risk analysis
  • Tracking of certified materials
  • Migration test
  • Certification of production standards
  • Specific Manual

The most important features for the hydroelectric turbines installed on aqueducts for drinking water:

Referring to the specific applications on aqueduc, the hydroelectric turbines IREM Ecowatt Hydro are in compliance with the European Directive 98/83/CE “Regulation of the quality of water for human consumption” governed in Italy by DM 174/2004 and in France by DGS/SDA7A n° 571 dated 25/12/2002. All turbines are cover of a Declaration of Conformity IREM to the DM 174/2004 and ACS (Attestation de Conformité Sanitaire).

All automatic devices are equipped with electrical actuators allowing the total absence of lubricating oils with a particular attention to the environmental and the public-health.

The design choices are aimed at maximizing the strength of the complete system turbine-generator group and control board. The materials and technical solutions make a product able to operate in the worst working conditions. Finally the guarantee of a certified, personalized for the single customer and industrial product, high quality standards and minimizing maintenance operations.
Extended warranty to 5 years.

The IREM experience in the field of hydroelectric turbines Pelton and Banki on aqueduct: MORE THAN 160 INSTALLATION ON AQUEDUCTS IN ITALY AND ABROAD.

6 Pelton turbines for the aqueduct of the town of Buglio in Monte

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