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The Villard-du-Planay hydroelectric power plant, located in the French region of Savoie, has recently seen the commissioning of a new IREM six-jet Pelton TPA turbine-generator unit, commissioned by the company Sarl des Airolles.

Villard-du-Planay Power Plant in France

Designed for installation in parallel with the electrical grid, the turbine is equipped with an asynchronous generator that ensures safe and reliable operation of the hydroelectric plant, making it ideal for mini hydro applications.

The IREM Pelton turbine-generator unit installed at the plant has the following technical specifications:

  • Nominal electrical power: 70 kW
  • Nominal head: 154 m
  • Nominal flow rate: 60 l/s
IREM Pelton Turbine Installed in the Villard-du-Planay Power Plant in France

IREM Pelton turbine-generator units, together with IREM QPR parallel and automation panels, represent highly reliable and durable industrial solutions.

All IREM turbines are designed and manufactured in compliance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, ensuring safety, efficiency, and high performance.

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