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Inaugurated the commissioning of an IREM six-jets Pelton TPA turbine-generator group in the Shiga Kamogawa power plant, located in the city of Takashima, in the Shiga prefecture in Japan.
Shiga Kamogawa power plant: inaugurated six-jets Pelton TPA turbine-generator group
This Power Station was built with the cooperation of the local community and the sponsorship of the city of Takashima.

All those present at the ceremony looked with great interest at IREM’s Pelton turbine-generator group: equipped with an asynchronous generator and a regulation and automation system controlled by electric actuators, it allows easy and safe operation of the hydroelectric plant, ideal for “mini” installations hydro”.

The model of the IREM Pelton turbine, installed in the Shiga Kamogawa plant, has a nominal power of 200 kW, a nominal head of 90.95 m and a nominal flow rate of 267 l/s.

Pelton turbine in the Shiga Kamogawa plant
Ecowatt Hydro Pelton turbines Japan
IREM Ecowatt Hydro Pelton turbines are reliable and long-lasting industrial products,
All IREM turbines are made in compliance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE.

The inauguration was an occasion to celebrate this important investment in which the authorities, TV and journalists and the local community took part.
We thank our Japanese collaborators and all the people involved, in various capacities, who made the realization of this project possible.

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