The Sacra di San Michele, an imposing abbey which, defying the principles of physics, dominates the top of Mount Pirchiriano, at the entrance to the Valle de Susa in Piamonte (Italy), is one of the shrines dedicated to the cult of the Saint which occurs across a straight line of no less than 2,000 km which traverses Europe starting from Ireland and linking up to Israel, passing through England, France, Italy and Greece. La fecha de construcción del primer conjunto seidentifica entre 983-987 y continuó a través de los siglos hasta asumir su configuración actual.
The museum of the monumental complex of the abbey is visited by over 100,000 people a year.
In a historical period characterized by the increase in energy costs, it is important to increase the efficiency of the systems, especially the existing ones, so as to reduce waste and reduce consumption.
The IREM Ecostab economizer allows energy savings to be obtained through the application of the principle of voltage optimization and power quality: it implements the controlled reduction of consumption and the stabilization of the voltage delivered by the distributor so as to reduce energy consumption, the active power demand and the reactive power demand of the total load.
The integration of different technologies – such as electromechanics for the power section, analog electronics for the regulation section, digital electronics for the measurement section, information technology for the calculation section and communication – has made it possible to obtain an innovative and at the same time reliable product, all validated as a whole both for safety purposes and for performance purposes by accredited laboratories of third parties.
Rising energy costs make optimizing electricity consumption one of the most important tasks for businesses. IREM’s Ecostab and Ecobuck range of equipment are able to significantly reduce energy consumption and therefore reduce operating costs in the long term.